Our software version 5.7 is the best and most popular PTC/GPT script on the net from 2010.
Reliable and secure.
The files in this script are encrypted with ioncube.
To install and run it correctly you need the ioncube loader installed on your hosting!
Using the script with the encrypted files, it is more secure, the hackers cannot see and access the php files!
This script is nulled - you don't need the license. You can install it on several domains!
We recommend that you use the php version 7.x to run this script version!
We offer a robust and flexible platform, opped with an intuitive interface that makes our software stable and popular.
Your Benefits:
Valid Lifetime
Unlimited Domains
Open Source - to be null.
(If you want all the decoded script, 100% open source, the price is 7 usd for each decoded file!)
Community Access
Try our demo version of the latest release of EvolutionScript. The demo version contain the most up to date changes, as the demo is intergrated into the release application. Modifications are not permitted through the Demo account.
Demo Admin:
Users: http://wad57.buxsense.ro/
User: demo
Pass: demopass
Pin: 123456
Higly customizable
You can easily modify the template with basic knowledges of HTML and add new features using our developer module.
Support Captcha image, reCAPTCHA and Solve Media Captcha
Heroic Features
Power template engine for advanced customization
Easy content management system
Multiple currencies
Membership system
Point system
Purchase and Rent referral system
Live statistics / Country statistics
Security & Communication
Anti-cheat system
SSL Support
Multiple captcha systems
Maintance mode
Ticket and Forum system
Mass Mailer
Multiple languages
Advertisement System
Paid To Click Ads
Text Ads
Link Ads
Login Ads
Banner Ads
Paid To Sign Up Offers
Geographic filtering
Payment Gateways
Perfect Money
SolidTrust Pay
Skryll AirTm Coins etc
Instant/Manual Deposits and Withdrawals
And many more - see on demo site!
This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 29 February, 2020.